Site Policy

Do not spam me. Comments must be on-topic and relatively clean.

Privacy Statement and Terms of Use

I state that I recognise privacy as an undisputed right of the internet user. The following section outlines the kind of data that is collected when you visit or interact with the G-Loaded! web site:

* The web server, on which this site is hosted, automatically records information such as the IP address, browser type, date and time of your HTTP request. This is a typical behaviour of all web servers.
* When you interact with this web site in the form of submitting comments, the information you provide in the comment form fields is stored in the WordPress platform database and a cookie is stored in your harddrive. This cookie contains the name, the email address and your web site’s URL (if provided), which you have used in the comment form. This is the WordPress Personal Publishing Platform’s default behaviour and its only purpose is that you do not have to supply the same information when you submit another comment in this web site. This is the cookie’s only functionality, but can be totally avoided by disabling the storage of cookies in your web browser. This is also the typical behaviour of the majority of web sites. By submitting information in the comment form you accept this functionality.
* No other information is collected, if this web site is used according to the guidelines expressed in this document. Additional information is collected in case of violations.

The name and the web site URL (if provided), which you submit with your comments, are made publicly available by the WordPress Personal Publishing Platform.
Your email address is not.

I state that:

* I will never reveal your email address to the public.
* I will never use it to contact you, unless you ask me to do so.

I reserve the right though to disclose all the information you have submitted in a comment, accompanied by all the information the web server has automatically recorded for your HTTP requests, to any third party or authority worldwide, but also ask any third party worldwide for the disclosure of such information, in the following cases:

* You abuse this web site, by submitting comments that contain:
o Links to any kind of pornographic material.
o Links to any kind of illegal material.
o Links to any kind of online marketplace, legal or illegal.
o Information totally irrelevant to the presented post (as judged by a normal and totally sane person’s objective evaluation).
o Racism related content.
o Abusive or insulting accent towards the author or any other reader.
* I am enforced to proceed to this action by the law.
* Your interaction with this web site violates my rights or the web site’s license.

Generally, self promotion, company promotion, product or service promotion are strictly prohibited. You may provide a link to your personal web site in the “Website comment form field, only in the case it complies with the above guidelines.

I reserve the right to commit any of the previously mentioned actions and also to remove or moderate comments or block any range of IP addresses from accessing this web site without warning or notice.

I reserve the right, in case of violation of these guidelines, to collect and keep detailed files about the violator’s information, personal or not. This information may include, but may not be restricted to, the following:

* All the HTTP headers that are exchanged between the web server and the HTTP client in the most extreme detail.
* All the information contained in the submitted comment, including detailed whois information about remote hosts or IP addresses that are included.
* All the information, which third parties may disclose to me about the violator’s identity.

Interaction with this web site using an HTTP client that does not comply with the internet standards is strictly prohibited. You are free to visit, read, browse and interact with this web site as long as your actions stay inside the boundaries of legality.

By submitting a comment you explicitly accept all the functionality, all the reserved rights and the general policy which is expressed in this document.

If for any reason you cannot accept these terms and conditions or this web site’s general policy and purpose of existence, you are encouraged to leave this place as soon as possible and never visit it again.

You are free to use any info posted in this web site as long as you comply with the site’s license or any other license information that is stated. Read my License Information and Disclaimer.

This page is under continuous construction and maintenance, so check back often for updates.